




6.English Question






Deadly riots in the streets of Mozambique over sharply higher food prices he left 13 dead. Anger is growing in Egypt and Serbia as well. Panicked Russian shoppers he cleared the shelves of staple grains. And the devastating floods that he left as many as 10 million Pakistanis homeless are also raising concerns about the country's ability to feed itself.


A series of isolated disasters? Not at all. The common thread: extreme weather, which is putting pressure on food supplies around the globe.


What's going on


For most of the summer, Russia was in the grip of an unprecedented heat we. Fires darkened the skies of Moscow with thick smoke, and the Russian wheat crop withered and burned. Fully a third of the usual Russian harvest of buckwheat -- one of the country's most commonly used grains -- was lost. That has led to shortages of wheat at home in Russia -- and an export ban on Russian wheat.


The export cutback has in turn driven up food prices in countries like Mozambique and Egypt, which depend on food imports, sparking anger and riots.


Meanwhile, the same weather pattern of high pressure that brought searing heat to Russia diverted moisture in the atmosphere toward Pakistan, causing torrential rains and devastating flooding.


Who is affected?


Mostly, just those people in countries now facing shortages and price spikes. There's no overall shortage of food. The United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization says that 2010 brought the third-largest harvest of grains on record, leing global food stocks high.


But the shortfall in Russian wheat did push up grain prices. As a result, the of Mozambique raised the official price of bread by 20%. That touched off the riots, forcing the to backtrack.


In hard-hit Pakistan, prices of food he risen 15%.


[Related: Pakistan floods: How to help]


The Food and Agriculture Organization acknowledges that higher prices are causing hardships. But it adds that the situation now is far less dire than it was in 2007-08, when the soaring price of energy caused an even bigger spike in food prices.

食品和农业组织承认更高的油价引起的困难。但它补充道,现在的状态的人越来越少,比在2007 - 08年度可怕的时候,能源价格飞涨导致更大的表示,食品价格的上涨。

Will the United States be affected?


In the short term, there are few concerns outside countries hit by natural disasters or higher prices. Even Russians aren't facing actual shortages of food, just limited supplies of one of their forite staples -- buckwheat.


In fact, the problems he been a boon for American farmers. Exports of farm products nearly hit record levels in 2010, thanks to bountiful harvests and higher prices for wheat, corn, cotton and other crops.





约瑟夫.穆西约卡住在内罗毕的一处贫民区。他每天上下班走在路上的时间有3个小时。他现在再也付不起公共交通费了,他上班来回的车费是1.2美元,但是他每天只能挣到1.5美元,还要供养一个8人的大家庭。 他说现在生活太艰难了。油价上涨了,所以他意识到还是走路比较好,这样他能省下一些钱来作为日常开支。现在他仍然是走着上下班,心里期望着有一天他也能有钱享受更轻松更舒适的生活(这里实际上指有钱坐得起车,不过直接翻译为生活也问题不大,看自己理解了)。





Looked from the income

Net income situation and income roughly similar, during threeyears the altogether growth is 72.73%, the yearly erage grows19.98%. Basically maintain the income nature ROA previous 02 years to04 years about 0.15, 05 years growth side quite quick, had achieved0.27 looked from the income, are in 02 years to 04 years this 20enterprises to be steady regular or the adjustment time, 05 years sideentered has fast sent the exhibition period, this quite partialreasons with 05 years time, the international oil price large riseconcerned. The Mideast is unstable, causes the oil price unceasinglyto innovate high, directly causes the energy industrial product risein price. But in these 20 enterprises chemical, the steel and iron andthe energy equipollent industry accounts for the proportion to bebigger, unifies Chinese the energy profession actual situation, theseenterprises he generally oained an greater income in 05 year.


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4. All students are requested to attend tomorrow's meeting。考察被动语态

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晕 又有人先了 唉


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English Question

The rise in oil costs reacted on the price of food.

rise reacted on price

costscost?oil costs

rise?the rise in oil costs?rise.

reacted on
